In a dramatic turn of events on the show Shiv Shakti uncovers a dark secret that could change everything. The episode that aired on 16th August 2024, left viewers on the edge of their seats as Shakti found herself in a terrifying confrontation with Mohini, who shockingly revealed herself to be an ichadhari naagin.
The suspenseful episode began with Shakti discovering something unusual while eating laddos that Dadi had left for her. As she bit into the sweets, she was shocked to find stones hidden inside. This strange occurrence immediately set Shakti on high alert. Her instincts told her that Dadi had left her a message, and she quickly set to work deciphering the meaning behind the stones.
Turning off the lights in the room, Shakti noticed something shining under the sofa. She reached for it and found a diamond. With a growing sense of urgency, she began to connect the dots, writing down the names of the stones she found. The clues led her to a chilling realization—the name “Mohini” emerged as the truth Dadi was trying to reveal. Shakti’s suspicions were confirmed: there was a naagin in the house, and that naagin was none other than Mohini.
The scene shifted to Mohini, who was alone in her room when she suddenly heard the eerie sound of snake music. Compelled to follow the sound, she found herself confused as it abruptly stopped. When she returned to her room, she discovered speakers playing the same snake music, triggering a transformation in her. As her scales began to appear and her eyes turned green, Shakti entered the room and witnessed the horrifying sight. Mohini, unable to hide her true form any longer, turned into a snake and attempted to attack Shakti.
But Shakti was quick on her feet, dodging the attack and throwing water at Mohini. In a tense confrontation, Shakti accused Mohini of plotting against her family and revealed that she knew Mohini was not human but a naagin. Mohini, now fully exposed, admitted the truth. She confessed that she had deceived everyone to enter the house, all because she wanted revenge for losing her beloved Kundan 25 years ago due to Shiv’s actions.
Shakti tried to reason with Mohini, reminding her that Shiv was not at fault and that Kundan had been punished for poisoning him. But Mohini was unwavering in her desire for vengeance, laughing off Shakti’s words and declaring that as a powerful naagin, she was unstoppable. She taunted Shakti, reminding her of how she had killed Dadi by hanging her, leaving Shakti helpless and dismissed as crazy by everyone.
The tension between the two women escalated as Shakti refused to back down, vowing to expose Mohini’s true identity. Mohini, however, was equally determined to eliminate anyone who stood in her way. She revealed that she had already removed Shakti’s sacred thread, a sign of protection, but ominously hinted that she had not yet killed Shakti, suggesting there was a deeper reason for this.
Desperate to save her family, Shakti grabbed Mohini and dragged her to Shiv’s room, hoping to reveal the truth to him. However, when she tried to wake Shiv, he remained limp and unresponsive. Shakti’s horror grew as Mohini laughed, telling her that while Shiv was not dead, he was not alive either. The episode ended with Shakti in a state of shock, facing the possibility that she might not be able to save Shiv or her family from the deadly threat that Mohini posed.
This latest episode of “NAME” has left viewers with more questions than answers. What will Shakti do next? Will she be able to expose Mohini’s true identity to everyone before it’s too late? And most importantly, what has really happened to Shiv? The drama is intensifying, and fans are eagerly awaiting the next episode to see how this thrilling storyline will unfold.
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